Founders Live

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Innovating in the Age of AI: Key Insights for Founders, featuring Vasco Magellan of Altar - Founders Live Conversations

Nick and Vasco get into a zoomed-out discussion on AI in general, and what it all means for early-stage founders at a practical level.

The audience provide some great contributions as always!

Vasco Magellan of Altar discusses how founders can prepare for the constant mutating landscape of AI, trends and new paradigms, the evolution of the web, and many other exciting topics

You will learn

  • Key trends in AI

  • How startups can involve aspects of AI into their products and services

  • What the near-term future involving AI looks like

  • The aspects of AI that excite Vasco and his team

  • The aspects of AI that worry Vasco and his team

  • What startups should be focused on with the AI landscape changing so rapidly

Plus some great audience questions.

About Altar

Altar is an award-winning product and software development company.

Formed by ex-startup founders, they know how to bring new innovative products to market. The startup ecosystem is in their DNA.

At our core, they design and build high-quality, user-centric software products for entrepreneurs and business leaders. But their entrepreneurial experience also allows them to add extra layers of value. They are closer to an extended team of co-founders than a supplier.

This work means they have an enviable track record of helping two-thirds of their clients achieve VC funding in an ecosystem where only ~0.05% of startups ever see that landmark.