Founders Live

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Finding the Optimal Mindset for Success

I previously shared about how frustrating challenges and setbacks during the pandemic really upended me. They were isolating, confusing, and at one point it felt as if I wouldn't emerge from the downward spiral.

That was until I realized the one big aspect that was in my control and under my influence:

My Mindset.

I finally understood that until I changed my mindset, nothing else in business or my life was going to change.

What I realized was I needed to take destructive thoughts like “Why is this happening?” and, “We can’t do x or y,” and change them to “Why not us?” and “Well, we can do A, and we can do B, so let’s go do those!

Mindset is a fundamental foundation of entrepreneurship.

A mindset that is determined, purposeful, creative, resourceful, positive, and agile is what moves a startup founder forward - especially during times of uncertainty and challenge when roadblocks appear out of nowhere and when some days feel like nothing will ever work.

It was with this updated mindset that I read a book (upon a recommendation from a friend) and discovered a fun new daily activity I want to share with you.

Three Daily Wins

In the book The Gap and The Gain, the authors describe a quick daily activity of identifying the 3 wins you will get each day. They can be as small as going for a 20 min walk or as grand as landing a $100,000 customer. The key is that you identify them the night before (or early in the morning) and put your mind to work toward achieving just those three things that day. Then at the end of the day, review them (congratulate yourself) and set the next 3 wins in motion for tomorrow. 

In this way, everyday you are always winning. Always moving forward. 

Put 7 days together with 3 wins each and you have really accomplished something over the week. Do that for a month or two and watch your life and business change dramatically.  

Center Stage - Mindset

Mindset is also at the center of this week’s Center Stage show, live from Houston, USA.

We are excited to be joined by David Nurse, NBA Mindset Coach and 2x Best- Author and Motivational Speaker on Wednesday’s Founders Live Center Stage at 4pm PDT / 6pm CDT.

David is the author of Pivot & Go: The 29-Day Blueprint to Redefine and Achieve YOUR Success and will share with us the mindset required to achieve success in professional athletics as well as high level business.

Join us on Wednesday to learn about David, his journey from NBA to Coach/Author/Speaker, and his 3 best Mindset advice tips for early stage entrepreneurs.

Trust me, you will walk away with more confidence and a stronger mindset!