Founders ask us for help.
We introduce them to you.

Schedule a call
or scroll for more info

Way better
than cold emails

An audience asking for help.
We recommend your brand.
Goodbye awkwardness.

ready to nurture

Skip the top of the funnel.
Start a conversation.
Build a real relationship.

with startups

A hot market.
An eager audience.
Opportunity calls.

Our program is simple:

1. Founders share their needs

Every single day, founders fill out forms to tell us their struggles

2. We verify and enhance

Our automated system immediately requests:

  • A double opt-in to confirm intent

  • Geographic region and city

  • Startup details: revenue, stage, age, size, industry, etc.

3. You get connected


Answer new requests

Our CEO sends a personalized recommendation email with your target links when founders ask for help in your category.

Customize filter criteria to determine which founders we send you.


Fill your pipeline

A daily drip of emails to answer the hundreds of outstanding of requests that arrived before you joined the program.

Same custom filter criteria apply.


Explain your brand

You and our CEO in a topic-focused livestreamed conversation—and our audience asks questions.

Provides discovery via long-tail video, podcast audio, and social clips.


Convert the curious

A landing page in our Backstage Marketplace makes your content and links always accessible.

Captures website and search traffic.

Offers more content than our email intro.


Be part of a moment

Our Build with Backstage promotion showcases one Backstage partner per week to our entire global audience - beyond the founders requesting help.

Unique content opportunity and wide visibility.

Runs July through September.


We’re always adding new benefits

Follow-up emails

Appear on stage at any city event

Your podcast in The Founders Live Podcast Network

Your audio ad syndicated in the FLPN

Product placement in Exploring Greatness

It’s easy to get started

Become one of our premium partners with one quick call:

  • Yes, this is a highly valuable service that enables serious businesses to help founders in our community.

  • Payment is monthly, in advance.

    We offer an annual option which is essentially 12 months for the price of 10.

  • Backstage Marketplace partners commit to a minimum of 3 months in the program to proliferate their message and presence in our ecosystem.

  • We'll answer your request and set up a call within one business day.

  • We do not sell lists of data, we provide introductions to you so you can help founders with the needs they indicated on the form.

    We include you on these emails so you can join the conversation once we’ve introduced them.

    Once we’ve sent the introduction, you can see the basic company information the founder provided (website, LinkedIn, funding stage, etc.) in your real time dashboard.

    We only include the info they have sent to us as part of their request.

What are you strugglng with?

We can connect you to partners who can help.