Will you accept The Challenge?
Sign up to be notified when entries open in May
Voting ended October 31, 2024
Community Partner
Your story. One 99-second video.
Prizes start at just 99 votes!
Win up to $10,000 in cash & prizes!
YOur challenge:
your 99-second pitch
using your Why, your journey, and your creativity.
your story to the world
by creating and uploading a 99-second pitch video.
99 or more people
to watch your pitch video online and vote.
Prizes start at just 99 votes!
You could win an appearance in Prime Time and a chance at the Grand Prize valued at $10,000 in cash and prizes!
/ Here’s how it works
It’s all about YOU and your drive.
You have a story behind YOUR business.
Time to tell the world.
Craft, upload, and share a 99-second pitch video
We’ll give you our proven Pitch Prep Package to help.
*Must be an actual company. See the full details.
Inspire 99 or more people to vote for you:
Win our Booster Pack with over $1,000,000 in savings
Rally your customers, social followers, total strangers (and yeah, even your mom) to vote!
Inspire 500 or more people to vote for you:
Win an interview package!
Your story told in long-form video and audio, great for social and podcast.
Inspire 1000 or more people to vote for you:
Win a mentorship with Founders Live’s founder and CEO, Nick Hughes!
Nick will personally coach you toward success for yourself and your startup.
/ Then It Goes Global
You could qualify for our Prime Time global tournament.
This is where it gets really interesting…
Get the most votes in your geographic region:
Pitch LIVE in your region’s finals in our Prime Time global tournament this fall!
Get the most votes in your region’s Prime Time finals:
Compete LIVE in our Prime Time Global Finals!
Get the most votes in the Prime Time Global Finals:
Win the grand prize of $10,000 in cash and prizes, including a trip to Seattle to visit the birthplace of Founders Live and appear at a summer event!
Why *YOU* should
take the Challenge!
Our Prime Time 2023 Global Champion began in the Challenge!
Hear Elizabeth share her experience:
/ Put YourSelf to the Test
Do you have a worthy vision?
Or were the doubters right?
Let’s find out!
Free Entry!
/ Fall 2024 Timeline
September 4
Challenge Begins
Accept the Challenge
Craft your pitch video
Upload your pitch video
October 17
Deadline to Upload
Upload pitch video by 23:59:59 UTC
Get shareable voting link
October 17
Voting Begins
Fans view pitch videos
Fans vote on videos
Fans RSVP for Prime Time
October 31
Voting Ends
Fans vote by 23:59:59 UTC
Fans RSVP for Prime Time
November 1
Winners Announced
Founders with the most votes in their region advances to their region’s finals this fall
Founders receive prep info
December 2 -
December 6
Prime Time Tournament
Top city and Challenge winners compete
One region per day
Winners advance to the Global Finals
December 11
Prime Time Global Finals
Finalists from each region compete
Winner is our 2024 global champion!
Grand Prize worth $10,000 in cash and prizes!
/ This is a gut check. Are you ready?
The Prime Time Pitch Challenge starts with you.
How much do you really believe in your vision? Your team? Your product? Your customers?
Can you distill everything you know as a founder into one succinct, charismatic, convincing 99-second pitch?
More than that, can you activate your support system? Can you grow it with a great pitch?
In this challenge, your biggest opponent is yourself.

/ We Grow Through Challenge
This journey of self-discovery will bring incredible benefits to you and your business.
1000’s of founders have gained momentum and confidence simply by going through the process of preparing their 99-second pitches.
Taking the time to contemplate key questions like, “What is my vision? What is our value proposition?” are a needed reality check for every founder.
Writing and recording a convincing 99-second video pitch is a transformative process that requires founders to dig deep and think clearly.
Making this kind of public commitment to yourself and your vision brings a rewarding validation like no other.
Emerging from this process gives you a special confidence you can’t get any other way
Adapting everything you know about your business into a 99-second video pitch that convinces people to understand and support you requires stretching yourself to learn valuable new skills.
Beyond the personal validation, we have actual prizes for all participants simply for accepting the Challenge.
The most voted pitches earn a chance to pitch live on the Prime Time stage to possibly win USD $25,000
You never know who your message will reach.
You could connect with new:
/ It’s All Connected
Founders Live holds city competitions around the globe every week of the year.
Each city winner competes in the Prime Time regional qualifiers for one of five spots in their relative regional finals in the global Prime Time tournament.
< This is where you come in >
The Pitch Challenge entry with the most votes in each region gets a slot in their region’s Prime Time finals!
The winner of each of the five Prime Time regional finals will compete in the Prime Time Global Finals.
The winner of Prime Time Global Finals is our global champion and wins the Grand Prize!
🎉 🏆🎉

“Preparing for a founders live pitch showed me how rich our idea was, but also how hard it was to explain in 99 seconds. The experience was transformative.”
— Founders Live presenter, Seattle