Pitching at Founders Live Fort Lauderdale was a transformative experience - Tomeka James, CTJ 360 Photobooth

As I reflect on my experience, I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of the Founders Live community.

Preparing for the pitch was an invaluable process that not only refined my presentation skills but also provided clarity on the key elements of my business. The guidance on what investors look for helped me focus on essential aspects such as market validation, scalability, and revenue model. It was more than just pitching; it was about structuring my business and creating a robust growth plan.

It pushed me to articulate my vision concisely within the 99-second time frame, forcing me to distill complex ideas into clear and compelling messages. The supportive environment and constructive feedback from fellow entrepreneurs and the audience were invaluable in refining my pitch and business strategy.

The connections made and insights gained will undoubtedly propel my business forward. I am excited about the prospect of sharing my journey with other aspiring entrepreneurs and contributing to the vibrant startup ecosystem in South Florida.

My business,  CTJ 360 Photobooth is dedicated to providing a unique photography/videography service that takes branded photos/videos that are shareable. These are great for reliving the moments while helping with branding/marketing.

Looking ahead, I am committed to continuing my growth journey, refining my pitch, and seizing every opportunity to showcase the potential of our TEXTIMONY BOOTH.

It was truly an honor to participate and be surrounded by a community of passionate entrepreneurs.


Diving into the Entrepreneurial Pool: Pitching Miami MicroLearn Hub at Founders Live - Benita Gordon


Founders Live Fort Lauderdale Announces its Spring 2024 Kick-Off Women’s Month pitch event