A Quick Note from Nick as He Starts the Tour

For as long as I can remember I have wanted to travel the world. Seek adventure. Find “Greatness” and be inspired.

Over the last 5 years, I have been (lucky and blessed) to travel the world, visit many different Founders Live countries and cities, meet amazing founders and greet tens of thousands of people. And random bartenders!

Yep, at times I am that guy having a beer by himself sending that one *last* business email before I close the laptop/phone for the evening. They like to ask me where I am from :)

As I traveled it became clear I wasn’t living a normal life, and the people I was encountering weren’t normal people. They are Entrepreneurs. And each one of them has a story to tell.

So I couldn’t think of anything better to give myself and our community for our 10-year birthday than to start something new.

But this is a special brand. It will tell stories of real people. It will illustrate what life is like in various countries around the world. It will bring the FULL EMOTION of not only entrepreneurship, but also world travel to the screen for you to enjoy.

As I venture out across Europe this year, I am bringing you with me. And we are capturing the story and creating a whole new brand - Exploring Greatness.

Over the Spring and Summer (April - August) we’ll be sharing behind the scenes clips and thoughts as we film this fun new project. The final cut will become our Pilot Season of what could/hopefully becomes a yearly seasonal docu-series streamed on your favorite platforms.

The release of the 6-episode Pilot Season 1 will be available in November, 2024.

But for now, follow me and Founders Live on social media so you can experience the tour along with me in real time.

And if you are in one of the European cities listed on the map, feel free to reach out! 

Nick Hughes
CEO, Founders Live


The Tour Experience