//let’s rock 2024
5 - week course in January 2024
A 5-Week Path with Nick to ROCK Your Next 12 Months!
I will walk you through how I approach planning and building out each year, which has powered the growth of Founders Live - even when I embark on Tours to exotic regions of the world.
You will start January eager and enter February on fire as you get clarity on your vision, establish your main priorities (ROCKS), build a personalized road-map for the year, and insights on how to make it one of your most exciting and effective years ever.
// let’s rock 2024 Online Course
With Nick Hughes, CEO Founders Live
Jan 2 - Feb 2
Register early for best pricing!
Price - ends JAN 6
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// At a glance
The 5 Week Online Course in Jan 2024
Week 1 - Define your B-HAG / 3HAG / 1-Year Goals
Week 2 - Lay Down Your ROCKS for 2024
Week 3 - Map Out Your Quarters - The 2024 Roadmap
Week 4 - Less is More - Trim It & Sharpen The Saw
Week 5 - How To Have Fun and Still Achieve Your Goals
Your Outcome
a Rock Solid monthly plan for 2024 to reach your goals and milestones
Each Week you get:
*Live Online Group Teaching Call - Tuesdays at 9am PT (recordings will be available)
Week 1 call - Tuesday, Jan 2 at 9am PT
Week 2 call - Tuesday, Jan 9 at 9am PT
Week 3 call - Tuesday, Jan 16 at 9am PT
Week 4 call - Tuesday, Jan 23 at 9am PT
Week 5 call - Tuesday, Jan 30 at 9am PT
*A Course Doc to follow along and fill in with your specific information
*Suggested Reading and Audios
*In addition to the course - Fun follow-up calls with me throughout the year
You will learn how to use these and more helpful documents to map your year
The Course in more detail
Week 1 - Define your B-HAG / 3HAG / 1-Year Goals
Jan 1 - 7, 2023
I learned many years ago it takes courage to put your vision out into the world. But also, you need to apply intelligence to break your big vision into achievable and visible parts to be tackled subsequently.
Every year I refine my BHAG, and tie it into my short term priorities for the upcoming year. I then break those down into individual focuses (ROCKS) of which I have KPI’s and Metrics for each quarter and month. Now I know what to apply my precious time to each week and month.
For you:
Before you accomplish anything you need to know where you are going first. What is your BHAG, or your Big Hairy Audacious goal?
What do you want to set out to accomplish over the next 20-30 years?
How do you break that down into smaller more achievable goals and milestones over the next few years.
Then, how do you work that focus into your next 12 months to have a great year?
This first week will lay the foundation for your entire 2024 focus and scheduling.
Week 2 - Lay Down Your ROCKS for 2024
Jan 8 - 14, 2023
Once I have my refined BHAG and 3HAG (the big things I’d like to accomplish in three years time) I then look at the upcoming year and identify 5 or 6 ROCKS or foundational priorities that will be my major focuses.
These ROCKS must be the base and support the growth and achievement of my overall BHAG that I have set out to accomplish in my life. I look forward to every December and January when I have time to set my ROCKS for the year.
For You:
We will take that overarching BHAG and 3HAG goal and look at it from a yearly multifaceted perspective.
What 5 MAJOR things do you want to accomplish and focus on this year?
These can be Quantitative - which will have numbers and metrics attached for tracking your progress - as well as Qualitative, or ones measured more by internal feel and subjectivity.
I feel this step is of utmost importances: of ALL the things you could or should spend you energy and time on this year, what 5 or 6 will be most impactful?
We will finish Week 2 with answers to these questions.
Week 3 - Map Out Your Quarters - The 2024 Roadmap
Jan 15 - 22, 2023
Once I have my ROCKS for the year I then establish my milestones and metrics to work towards.
I first start with the entire year numbers and priorities and then work backwards to break those up into each quarter, and ultimately into monthly measured milestones.
I feel this is the second most important step of this whole process: once I know what I want to focus on and accomplish in the year, now I break them into achievable chunks to be worked on throughout the year.
For you:
We will take your ROCKS and plug them into a systematic approach to the 2024 year.
How do you want to end the year?
What should you focus on each quarter, and each month?
Ok, so if those are your yearly goals then where should you be along the path at the end of Q1 (March), or the end of Q3 (September) so you know if you are tracking accordingly towards success in our yearly priorities.
Are you off track? If so, what needs to be adjusted to get back in motion and success?
We will finish week 3 with a very clear view of what each quarter and each month should look like for you.
Week 4 - Less is More - Trim It & Sharpen The Saw
Jan 22 - 28, 2023
As with a lot of things in life, my eyes tend to be bigger than my stomach and I overcommit or overestimate my ability to accomplish certain things. It happens to the best of us!
So once I get the yearly and quarterly plan set up, I make sure to review it thoroughly and cut some extra weight.
One of the biggest lessons I have learned growing Founders Live is that most of the time we can end up committing too much and then can get stretched too thin. Unfortunately, we must say NO to things we actually want to spend time on and accomplish. We must trim.
I do this once my ROCKS are all laid out so I can get a big 30,000 view of my year and ask myself the bigger questions around how I feel about the plan. Can I achieve all this?
For you:
We will take a step back, evaluate, review the plan and look for areas to trim.
I will force you to remove something you thought you were going to accomplish this year. Why? So you can be even more effective on the things that are the most important and that remain on the yearly plan.
Keep First Things First. This practice of refinement and subtraction drives you toward focus, and actually getting traction and accomplishing meaningful things each year.
You will finish week 4 with a very strong feeling of the most important priorities for 2024.
Week 5 - How To Have Fun and Still Achieve Your Goals
Jan 29 - Feb 4, 2023
I can’t work all the time, even though I honestly want to! We must balance the ambitious and purposeful life with downtime, fun and recovery.
I noticed a handful of years ago my penchant for world travel and - as a fun aside, the fact that Founders Live has activity around the world - so I decided to integrate them! The cool thing I started to better understand is experimentation and simply trying different but new experiences helped bring more fun and fulfillment in my life.
In some ways, the ‘less’ I feel like I am working the more effective and efficient I seem to be when I AM working.
For you:
What do you like to do outside of your job or startup?
What have you always wanted to do but haven’t put forth the effort just yet?
Are there side hustles or hobbies you have been wanting to pick up? Ya know, these can be a part of your ROCKS as well!
We will finish this final week with the eye of adding Fun and Excitement to your year.
We will look at how to integrate travel, hobbies, family, health, and the understanding of an adequate amount of off time is essential to your success.
Upon the completion of this entire month you will have incredible clarity on what your 2024 will look like and how you want to end the year.
Sign Up to rock your 2024
For only $999 until Jan 6!
Get on the list and reserve your spot by purchasing today.