SuperPower Startups: How to Power Up Your Back Office with Mairtini Ni Dhomhnaill of Countsy - Founders Live Conversations

Mairtini takes us through all those things that founders don’t even know they really need - or just don’t have the time to deal with - but are vital for their startups’ success.

Proper bookkeeping and back office may not seem sexy, but you know what is

Profits and secure jobs.

Got your attention?

Mairtini Ni Dhomhnaill of Countsy will discuss how founders can power up their back office of finance, accounting and HR solutions.

You will learn:

  • What is the "back office" and what is most important for early stage startups?

  • What financial functions should early stage startups be most concerned about?

  • How can founders offload these tasks, and bring in experts to help in certain areas?

  • What are the biggest mistakes startups make in their finance and HR processes?

  • What are 3 BIG TIPS for startups to make sure they are have the right financial pieces in place?

  • Many other questions you may have

About Countsy

Countsy provides finance, accounting and HR solutions to venture-backed startups. Through a unique combination of an on-demand CFO, CPO (Chief People Officer) and streamlined technologies, we free you from back office management and empower you to focus on what matters most. Delighting customers. Perfecting solutions. Accelerating growth. From payroll andbenefits to GAAP financials and board reporting, you get the support you need to be transaction ready. Efficient. Scalable. Done right.


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