Founders Live Nashville alum Kate O’Neil and team nab $3.8 million seed round for Opre!

Source: Kathryn Rickmeyer for TENNBEAT

Wow - Founders Live alum Kate O’Neil and team just secured a $3.8 million seed round for their startup, Opre!

They pitched in Nashville in June 2023 as Teaming, but unveiled their rebrand as Opre as part of their funding announcement. (We like it better - nice work!)

Congratulations to the Opre team, and thanks to our Nashville city leaders for their awesome work in bringing in great founders to pitch.

Along with Couture Technologies, this is the second +$1M raise we’ve seen from our Nashville presenters in under 14 months!

More details in reporter Kathryn Rickmeyer’s post below (you may have to scroll in the embed to see it all), and in her full article.

Announcement video from Opre founder Kate O’Neil:


Elevate Yourself from Achievement to Fulfillment - Dr. Teri Baydar of Love Conscious Human: The Founders Live Podcast - Episode 241


Elevate Yourself from Achievement to Fulfillment featuring Dr. Teri Baydar of Love Conscious Human - Founders Live Conversations