Sustainability Starts with You, Me, and Our Companies - Saransh Hasija of Envo - The Founders Live Podcast - Episode 254

During his Exploring Greatness tour stop in Dublin, Ireland, Nick sat down with local founder Saransh Hasija of Envo.

Nick and Saransh discuss his background, interest in entrepreneurship, why he started Envo, the biggest challenges in sustainability, what we can do about it, and his advice to early-stage founders.

Envo is a B2B software solution that helps companies track and reward their employees' sustainable actions. It includes a mobile app for employees and a web dashboard for HR and Sustainability Managers. Employees can learn about climate action and sustainable lifestyle choices in small, easy steps, and they can earn and redeem rewards with eco-friendly brands.


Sustainability Starts with You, Me, and Our Companies - Saransh Hasija of Envo - Founders Live Conversations