Interview: Prime Time Finalist - Michael Mashuro - Harare, Zimbabwe

The Founders Live Prime Time 2022 pitch competitions highlight twenty founders from our global ecosystem who have achieved various levels of success in previous Founders Live city pitch events.

We bring you additional coverage of these finalists through a series of posts in which we ask some questions about their entrepreneurial journey, as well as what they are building and why.

Please introduce yourself with a short bio

I am Michael Mashuro, founder of Michery Engineering solutions, and an engineer by profession, a technopreneur in the making, working on several innovative projects to enhance the marginalized communities to utilize the benefits of mechanization of value adding system to enhance productivity in all regions of the world starting from Zimbabwe Africa. Focus areas of innovative mechanization are farming, construction and mining.

How did you discover Founders Live?

I found it through YouTube!

Why do you feel others will benefit from Founders Live as well?

There is cross pollination of ideas which gives inspiration of new ideas to be implemented.

As an entrepreneur, why did you choose this path of creating your own company?

It gives room to venture in unutilized business opportunities and inspire the other generations to grow into new opportunities improving communities.

You've made it to Founders Live Prime Time! What do you want to get out of this experience?

We’re looking for exposure to new ideas and mentorship as well as partners to my innovative ideas.

Please describe the company or project are you currently building? Why are you building it?

We are an innovative company introducing new methods of optimizing's complicated process and making portable and avoidable value adding machines for all including the marginalized. Currently working on a Automated portable feed mixer for mixing homemade cattle feed, chicken feed, goat feed, pig feed.

What is your vision? Go out 5 years, what does the world look like with your product or service in it?

Empowering of marginalized communities to produce animal feed for business of for animal sustainability.

What ONE thing do you need help with the most, and what do you want to ask from the Founders Live community?

Exposure to global competent mentorship, funding to scale up the business.

Identify 3 qualities that when combined make a great founder. Expand a few descriptive sentences on each.

1. Innovativeness - The practical implementation of ideas that result in the introduction of new goods or services or improvement in offering goods or services.

2. Creativity - The tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and other.

3. Teamwork - The collaborative effort of a group to achieve a common goal or to complete a task in the most effective and efficient way.

Advice - If you could go back to the beginning and talk to your “rookie founder” self, what would say?

I would say entrepreneurship requires mastering your trade and be excellent, the only challenge is space and funds to maximize potential designs.

Learn more about Michery Engineering solutions

Hear Michael pitch during Founders Live Prime Time Africa and Europe on Wednesday, Nov 16th, 2022.


Interview: Prime Time Finalist - Meghan Hendley Lopez - Houston, Texas


Interview: Prime Time Finalist - Phakamani Ndlovu - Johannesburg, South Africa