Interview: Prime Time Finalist - Phakamani Ndlovu - Johannesburg, South Africa

The Founders Live Prime Time 2022 pitch competitions highlight twenty founders from our global ecosystem who have achieved various levels of success in previous Founders Live city pitch events. W

We bring you additional coverage of these finalists through a series of posts of which we ask them some questions about their entrepreneurial journey as well as what they are building and why.

Please introduce yourself

My name is Phakamani Ndlovu and I am a qualified wealth manager from Moonestone School of Business and project manager from University of South Africa. I am also the founder and managing director of All Diamond Risk Solutions, an insurance broker based in Johannesburg.

How did you discover Founders Live?

Through a friend.

Why do you feel others will benefit from Founders Live as well?

The growth of the business will create more opportunities in my city and expose us to more opportunities.

As an entrepreneur, why did you choose this path of creating your own company?

I chose this path reason being that been an entrepreneur as young boy and my understanding is that want to create generational wealth for my family and also have control of my life in terms of time and also financial freedom that the hard work i am putting will bring to my life.

You've made it to Founders Live Prime Time! What do you want to get out of this experience?

I want to make sure I proceed to the next stage and be exposed to more prices so that I can fund my business and take it to another level.

Please describe the company or project are you currently building? Why are you building it?

I am building All Diamond Risk Solutions, an insurance company that is licensed for long term, short term and and medical aid I am very passionate about financial services i believe that is the future of business and has more opportunities that are profitable.

What is your vision? Go out 5 years, what does the world look like with your product or service in it?

Our vision is to become the biggest insurance broker in the world and dominate in all continents of the world. The world will look different with us us we want to one day establish a school for financial literacy that will be worldwide. Each continent must have number of young people employed and given experience by our brand.

What ONE thing do you need help with the most, and what do you want to ask from the Founders Live community?

Insurance is a business that needs trust and brand awareness for the potential clients to be part of us they need to see us domination in the market and doing adverts with big TV and radio stations world wide but starting here at home. We would love skills and business workshops and financial assistance to make our dreams come true

Identify 3 qualities that when combined make a great founder. Expand a few descriptive sentences on each.

Quality number one is being passionate about your brand. Quality number 2, making sure you stand up and nurse your brand as it grows. Number 3 is making sure you protected the brand and direct it to the actual vision of the company.

Advice - If you could go back to the beginning and talk to your “rookie founder” self, what would say? And if you are a Rookie Founder, what areas do find most challenging?

If I could talk about rookie founder i will saying its has been a great experience and learning curve for me I have made a lot of mistakes and and learnt a lot in the process.

Learn more about All Diamond Risk Solutions

Hear Phakamani pitch during Founders Live Prime Time Africa and Europe on Wednesday, Nov 16th, 2022.


Interview: Prime Time Finalist - Michael Mashuro - Harare, Zimbabwe


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